Saturday, October 18, 2014

Class related

So Ms. Hegemann assigned us to do blogs. To me blogs are a waste of time they really don't help us with anything or do anything for us but in order to get a good grade we apparently have to do blogs when we are assigned them. For some people blogs are a way to away from people, to zone out in their own little world. I fell like doing these blogs are helping us in a way but at the same time I don't want to continue doing them. These blogs count as a grade so even though I dislike doing these blogs I still have to do the simple facts that this is my grade So I have to. Another thing we have been doing is close reading which is something I enjoy, it has been really helpful me annotating the text has gave me a better understanding of the text. I rather do close reading instead of blogs because I enjoy close reading more than blogs.


  1. I understand why you may not enjoy them, but the experience of writing for public consumption (ie not just your English teacher) forces you to think differently about how you write. It give you practice writing about things you are interested in discussing. By the end of the year, you may like it better.
