Monday, January 12, 2015

Passion blog#2

      Socratic seminars often was disliked by me,but as we continue to do it in class I grew to have a interest in Socratic seminars. Socratic seminars can act as a review sheet because it can prep you on a upcoming test or quiz you may have. Socratic seminar is a great way to test your knowledge of any topic that you are doing it about. It gets people engaged in the conversation and when people are engaged they understand what is going on which can also grab their interest. If you need to write an essay on a topic Socratic seminars would be best used before you actually start to write your essay because when you are in the seminar you may gather more information that can be a big help that can contribute to your essay in a positive way. That's woo hoo my passion for seminars because of the valuable information provided that same information help me write phenomenal essays and do good projects. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are starting to like them. I want you to start being prepared for them, so you can participate!
